Does your organization have a blog? Maybe you are thinking of creating one. Or, maybe you do have a blog, but are unclear of what you are trying to accomplish with your blog posts.
Research shows that organizations that blog have 55% more website visitors. You can use your organization’s blog as a marketing asset that can potentially bring you high-quality web traffic, generate new supporters, and increase awareness for your cause.
However, merely writing blog articles won’t dramatically transform your web presence. Your blog has to be well-optimized and promoted, and most of all, rich with content.
Below are five things to consider when using a blog to market for your nonprofit:
1. Frequency matters – Organizations that blog 16 to 20 times per month can double their traffic versus those that blog fewer than four times per month.
2. Optimize your posts – Make sure your blog titles incorporate relevant keywords. These releveant keywords are what people enter in search engines as they are conducting research. Also, consider a keyword blog post. Think of the most important search engine keyword that you have not yet blogged about, take that keyword, and write a blog post about it.
3. Share your nonprofit’s story – If you have success stories, sharing them will earn you trust and support with your readers and help you stay relevant with your cause at the forefront of people’s minds.
4. Showcase your expertise – Inject knowledge of your cause into your blog posts, and let your knowledge help your nonprofit stand out.
5. Calls to Action – A blog gives you valuable real estate to place calls-to-action to encourage website visitors to complete the action you want them to. Ask your readers to sign up for your newsletter, attend your informational event, or download a publication.
For more tips, check out Hubspot’s 6 Essential Components of Top Notch Nonprofit Blogs.
Also check out 4 ways to Motivate Story Collection at Your Organization from The Nonprofit Blog.