Should you or should you not have an email newsletter? Our inboxes get filled up quickly with information from small businesses and big retailers. A lot of these emails are never seen much less read. But, if you respect your reader, design with a goal in mind and communicate effectively with a purpose, you just might find yourself noticed. One way to achieve this goal is to provide a minimal, straight forward approach to your design. Think less is more. For some great email newsletters that get it right, check out Creative Bloq’s 28 simple but effective email newsletter designs. Below are a few of our favorites:
And if you are thinking about redesigning or creation your own email newsletter, consider these 10 quick tips from Hubspot, see more here:
1). Evaluate: Ask yourself if you even need an email newsletter.
2). What kind of newsletter do you want to send out.
3) Content should be 90 percent educational and 10 percent promotional.
4). Define and communicate what will be in your email newsletter on the “subscribe” page.
5). Get creative with your headlines.
6). Include one primary call to action.
7). Keep design and copy minimal.
8). Give your images alt text.
9). Make it easy for people to unsubscribe.
10). Test.